
Promo image for Industry 5.0 - The Future of Fashion & Textiles Manufacturing event

VR at UoM Industry 5.0 - The Future of Fashion & Textiles Manufacturing Event

<p>Anthony Payton VR@Manchester Steering Group chair, will be giving a VR/AR/XR virtual fitting/fabrication equipment demo at the upcoming Industry 5.0 - The Future of Fashion &amp; Textiles Manufacturing event.</p>

15th November 2022 13:00 — 16:30

Engineering Building B Booth Street East 2B.026 Manchester M13

Booking for this event is via Eventbrite.

Digital Futures at the University of Manchester (UoM) is hosting an event to explore cutting edge technological developments in the fashion and textiles industry. Led by our Theme Lead for Industry 5.0, Professor Charlie Wang, the event will feature a series of short talks and discussions with researchers and industry representatives as well as VR/AR and live tailoring body scanning technology demonstrations at the newly opened Engineering Building B.

Greater Manchester has a long history at the forefront of the fashion and textiles industry. By continuing to forge strong links between the private sector, third sector and academic capacity we can navigate new opportunities and challenges presented by the influence of human-robotic interactions in the industry across design, production, and business marketing amongst other areas.

We have an exciting line-up of speakers who will share some of the latest developments in Industry 5.0. There will also be plenty of time for discussion and making new connections, with lunch and refreshments provided on arrival.

What is Industry 5.0?

The fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, saw the integration of smart, connected, and autonomous digital and physical technologies like IoT (Internet of Things) and robotics.

Industry 5.0 integrates AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the crucial and exclusively human strengths of problem-solving, value-adding creativity, and deep understanding of customers, to improve products and productivity and enable mass personalisation. You can find out more about our work at the University of Manchester on Industry 5.0 here.

Who is the event for?

The event is designed for researchers, public, private and third sector participants with interest in the intersection of AI and human creativity in relation to the fashion and textiles industry.

We want to hear from you!

Are there particular areas of Industry 5.0’s effect on the fashion and textile industry that you’d like to hear more about? Is there a particular areas of research at the University of Manchester or another Greater Manchester research institution that you’d like to hear about? Are there particularly innovative businesses that you think we should invite as speakers? Get in touch with digitalfutures@manchester.ac.uk.

Indicative agenda:

Lunch, followed by presentations and discussions in breakout rooms.

  • Dr. Simeon Gill – Materials Science (Demo of live tailoring scanning technology/student tailoring design projects)
  • Hujun Yin, Professor of Artificial Intelligence – AI Technology for the Fashion Industry
  • Suzanne Postlethwaite, Professor of Fashion Technologies, MMU - Robotics in Fashion Industry
  • Rachel Cox, PHD student, UoM - Industry 5.0 and clothing manufacturing: the impact of technology on garment workers
  • Anthony Payton, VR@Manchester lead - VR/AR/XR (virtual fitting/fabrication equipment demo)